OB-GYNS: Creating Patient Experiences, The New Marketing Win

It is not often that you see pictures on social media of your patients tagging your office and bragging about their latest appointment and their connection with you. They tend to look elsewhere for these experiences, but it should not be the case. Your patients are your greatest marketers, and by creating these meaningful moments within your appointments, you will grow your practice, gain respect, earn trust, and plant roots to lasting doctor-client relationships. As an OB, your job is to oversee and guide patients through pregnancy, helping to deliver both a healthy mother and baby. However, you are also involved in a business, and to be successful, you must market wisely.
Utilize your appointments to give each patient a gift that will not only bond them with their growing baby but one that will connect them with you and your brand. My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear provides custom-made t-shirts for Heartbeat Animals that have your logo on them. By simply recording each baby’s heartbeat during an ultrasound or prenatal appointment into the heart-shaped recorder and storing it securely within the plush animal, you are granting them a priceless keepsake they’ll treasure forever.
Imagine the word-of-mouth marketing effect this will have for you. The social media picture opportunities, online testimonials, and in-person recommendations will all result in a large return on your investment. By becoming a wholesaler, your minimal costs will gift your patients the experience they yearn for and deserve while also marketing your business and increasing your bottom line.
“My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear has helped me embrace the emotional connection of pregnancy with my patients.” - Dr. Maryam Awan, Advanced Women’s Health