Precautions and Advice for Your Ultrasound Business

In light of COVID-19, we wanted to reach out and extend our support to our wholesalers and all other ultrasound boutiques around the country. We are still working hard (and will continue to) to provide you with the highest-quality pregnancy keepsakes. We understand that your business is your true baby, and remaining open while serving the pregnant mothers within your community in a safe environment is your top priority.
In a time of uncertainty, your business brings happiness and certainty to expecting families. Seeing their babies and hearing those heartbeats gives them so much to look forward to. However, they need to be ensured that your establishment is practicing every precaution possible to keep them healthy. By following the following CDC recommendations and taking even further steps, you can feel confident that you are protecting yourself, your clients, and your business.
Precautions and Advice for Your Ultrasound Business
Cleaning and Ventilation:
You will need to clean every morning and in between every appointment.
The CDC recommends the following -
- Increase ventilation rates.
- Increase the percentage of outdoor air that circulates into the system.
- Provide tissues and no-touch disposal receptacles.
- Provide soap and water in the workplace. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
- Place hand sanitizers in multiple locations to encourage hand hygiene.
- Place posters that encourage hand hygiene to help stop the spread at the entrance to your workplace and in other work areas where they are likely to be seen.
- Discourage handshaking – encourage the use of other non-contact methods of greeting.
- Routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, and doorknobs.
- If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
- For disinfection, most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective.
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method and contact time, etc.).
- Discourage workers from using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible. If necessary, clean and disinfect them before and after use.
Provide disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces (for example, doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desks, other work tools and equipment) can be wiped down by employees before each use. To disinfect use products that meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-Cov-2external icon
Schedule each appointment at least 30 minutes longer than you generally would. This ensures that no one crosses paths in your lobby, and it gives you time to clean in between scans.
Request that your clients attend their appointments with only 1 guest if possible, and remind them that they can have their baby’s heartbeat recorded to bring home with all images taken during the scan.
Other Ideas:
- Offer to stream appointments live on social media or record them for families’ to share with their loved ones.
- Have upbeat music playing in the lobby to keep the mood light and fun.
- Move your boutique display items such as baby clothes, picture frames, and Heartbeat Animals behind the front desk or into the scanning room if possible. You want to limit exposure but still have them available to purchase.
- Talk with your employees to make sure they understand not to come into work if they are feeling off, sick, anxious, or stressed over COVID-19. You can reduce their hours (for now) if needed and remind them it will only be temporary.
- Hang a sign on the door that reads, “Appointment in process, please be patient and we will unlock shortly - please practice social distancing. Thank you!” If it is just you at your boutique, this will make it much easier to accomplish everything needed - welcome a client into a clean environment, and walk them out afterward.