Why You Need a Virtual Birthing Class NOW.

Your rights as a laboring mother are days away from being stripped. Hospitals across the nation are working to eliminate any birth supporters - including spouses/significant others from attending births, let alone doulas and extended family. They are also working to separate a mother and her newborn for hours after birth to test for COVID-19 before allowing them to be together.
Every fiber of our beings knows that this is wrong. Testing can be done the moment a mother arrives in labor. It should not be done after the baby is born. Research also shows how important that bonding time is immediately following birth not to mention the immunities provided by breastfeeding immediately.
We can kick and scream all we want right now, but this may still be the situation for many mothers. The absolute first thing that you need to do is take your birthing education into your own hands. You need to know that you are capable of birthing without the pressures and fears that are being forced upon you. You must feel confident in yourself to be able to birth your baby. The best way to do this is to take natural childbirth classes. In-person versions are indeed on hold right now, but you can reach out to educators near and far for live video-versions! You owe it to yourself to take this one thing into your control.
Even when the isolation ends and life resumes, this should be a wake-up call to everyone pregnant or planning a pregnancy: You need to be as educated as possible.
Let’s say that again.
You NEED to be as educated as possible.
Why You Need a Virtual Birthing Class NOW.
The good news is that childbirth educators are taking their classes online. You can still partake in a zoom-version of a group class or register for private sessions. You will have several instructors and childbirth styles to choose from. And because the internet is limitless, you can choose an instructor or class offered anywhere in the world!
The most attended virtual childbirth classes offered right now:
- The Bradley Method
- Hypno-Birthing
- Lamaze
- Birth Bootcamp
- Birthing From Within
- Love Your Birth
- Mama Natural Birth Classes
You can also contact your local hospital for their virtual options, but know that many will not be geared to an unmedicated birth, which is what you truly need to be prepared for right now.
What you should expect to learn:
- The stages of labor.
- Nutritional support.
- Training for your significant other.
- Emotional support.
- Postpartum guidance.
Remember, too, that there are much safer places to birth right now than a hospital. If you have a local birthing center or home birthing midwife, it may ease many of your fears to just speak to them.
Stay healthy. Stay educated.