21 Budget-Pinching Tips for a Growing Family

Managing finances can be a challenging task for any family, especially for those who are adding a new mouth to feed. While your newest addition won’t add much to your spending, diapers do add up. If you aren’t careful, those daily errands and strolls down the baby aisles can cost you.
Many families are trying to cut back on spending, and as children come into the picture so does the question of becoming a stay-at-home (or work-from-home) parent. If you are struggling with the choice between daycare and daycare prices or keeping your baby at home, but taking a pay cut, you are not alone. The trick is to track every dime you spend and categorize where the majority lands each month. From there, figure out what you will be bringing home monthly if you drop to a single income and plan to live off of it for at least 2 months before your baby arrives to see if it is possible (while stashing your money in the bank).
If that seems like a daunting task, scroll through our budget-pinching ideas for ways you may be able to save a little extra from now until your baby makes his or her debut.
21 Budget-Pinching Tips for a Growing Family
- Create a weekly budget plan and stick to it – even if it means doing so in cash so there is no way to over spend..
- Shop for groceries at discount stores (Hello, Aldi!) or buy in bulk (Sam’s, BJ’s, Costco).
- Use coupons and promo codes when shopping online – and sleep on it before hitting the ‘buy now’ button.
- Plan meals ahead of time to avoid impulse eating while out.
- Cook meals from scratch instead of buying pre-packaged food – it is not as hard as Pinterest makes it look.
- Buy generic brands instead of name brands.
- Cancel subscriptions and memberships for 1-2 months and only resubscribe (at a discount) to those you really need.
- Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use.
- Use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances.
- Reduce water consumption by taking shorter showers and fixing leaks.
- Borrow books, movies, and games from the library instead of buying them.
- Shop for clothes and toys at thrift stores and consignment shops – vintage is in.
- Do your own home repairs and improvements instead of hiring a professional – unless it is a safety issue.
- Carpool instead of driving solo to work.
- Skip date nights at restaurants and cook meals together at home.
- Use reusable containers instead of disposable ones.
- Make coffee at home instead of buying it from a coffee shop.
- Skip the nail appointments and go longer in between haircuts.
- Meal plan and make a weekly grocery list – it may be easier to order online to avoid extras jumping in your cart.
- Use cash instead of credit cards to avoid overspending.
- Set financial goals and track your progress to stay motivated.