Handling The Two Week Wait

Once your mind is focused on becoming pregnant, there is not much you can do besides count down the days until your fertile period begins, and then count down the days until you can pee on a stick. But the days in between the sex and the pee’ing can seem like an eternity.
Do you have a drink?
Do you workout?
Do you sleep with your legs in the air every night?
Was that cramp a sign of anything?
It can seem that every single moment is drawing the process out even longer, but is there a way to help pass these few weeks of waiting. You can survive them without going insane.
Handling The Two Week Wait
Continue to Track your Basal Body Temperature
If you were tracking your temperature to get pregnant, continue until your cycle is due to arrive. This is the #1 way to learning you are pregnant.
Invest in Really Cheap Pregnancy Tests…. Or Completely Avoid Pregnancy Tests
You can buy 50-100 pregnancy tests online for a ridiculously low price. If you are a pee-on-a-stick-a-holic, make sure you invest in these. You can start pee’ing on them at 8 or 9 days past ovulation. Yes, you’ll have days of negatives (most likely), but you’ll get the slightest faint line at the soonest possible moment this way. However, many early pregnancies are deemed ‘Chemical Pregnancies’ because an egg was fertilized but did not attach well enough to continue to grow, forcing the cycle to still start only a few days later than expected. So there is a good and a bad to taking these early tests.
Many women swear by never taking an early pregnancy test and waiting at least one week after your period is due before purchasing one. This way, you will have a definite answer.
Depending on your personality, you can choose which avenue to take.
Turn Away From Google
Google may tell you that you are dying at this point. Google is great for so many day-to-day things, but early pregnancy symptoms? Nope. Just log off.
Continue Your Normal Routine: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
Meet your friends for girls’ night. Go out for date night. Continue your workouts and daily diet. The more you change, the more anxious you will become.
Pay Attention To Your Body
Twinges and cramping can be nothing, but a tiny bit of pink mucus can mean implantation bleeding. If you truly know your body’s regular signs of menstruation, you’ll be able to follow your gut and know earlier if you are pregnant.
Your breasts might swell, a cold may come on suddenly, or you may start falling asleep earlier. All of these are tiny signs that a fertilized egg has implanted on your uterine wall.
But be smart. If you generally feel bloated and have tender breasts every menstrual cycle, don’t overthink the same symptoms while trying to conceive.
Don’t Tell The World
The absolute worst thing to do is tell someone you are not pregnant. Once you share the news that you are trying to conceive, everyone wants to know if it has happened yet. Instead, keep it quiet until you have news to share. Best friends and family can be in the know if you want them to be, but you may have to keep them at a distance during these few weeks while you are already anxious enough.
Have a Back Up Plan
If you are not pregnant, what happens next? Yes, it can take months, or years to conceive a baby, but in the beginning stages, it can be a hard thing to grasp. Besides crying over a bottle of wine and impatiently waiting for those fertile days to appear on your calendar, what will you do? Talk with your partner about meeting with the doctor after a certain amount of months. You can both be checked out to ensure your hormone levels are ok and that there are no obvious things preventing a pregnancy from occurring. In the present time, consider trying something new next cycle: having sex every other day until your cycle is due, having sex twice a day from the moment you get a positive ovulation test until about 48 hours after. There are many methods you can attempt… and possibly even gender-sway, if you are inclined.
No matter how you spend these few days, know that you are loved and supported. No one is purposefully pregnant around you. No one is trying to boost their bellies in front of you. Your emotions are yours alone, and you can own them, breathe them, cry them, and then know that you will soon understand the other side of this crazy pregnancy thing.