2021 Summer Bucket List

Things everywhere have opened back up, or they are in the process of slowly opening. This may mean there is a smaller chance for your kids to be bored this summer! They can actually meet with friends, have sleepovers, see a movie together, and fill their souls with positivity.
Families will be adventuring outside with friends together all summer long, and no matter what your children's ages, you can enjoy a summer bucket list.
2021 Summer Bucket List
Put Your Toes in the Sand
There is something about the sand and the beach that just reconnects you to the world and reminds you just how peaceful yet powerful it all is. Slather on sunscreen, pop up tents, guzzle down water and enjoy the ocean. Maybe even wake up for a sunrise – or stay on the sand for a sunset, depending on which beach you are visiting. (A lakeside beach works just fine!)
Road Trip
Not everyone is as crazy as I am, but I swear that a family road trip is amazing. There’s something that happens on road trips that trigger those lifetime memories – the memories your children will tell their children about.
Leave your Mark on a Trail with a Rock Tower
This is our favorite thing to do when we hike! If you have ever seen randomly stacked rocks along trails, creeks, or campsites, do not knock them down. Someone before you was trying to start a new rock village. This is a way to teach your children that there is so much more out there than just ‘them.’ By building a tower and adding to the village, they are connecting to those who came before and those who will come after! Go ahead and start your own!
$1 Movies
Most local theaters have an early showing of older movies for $1. (Fingers crossed that this is coming back for summer 2021!)
Water Balloons
No explanation needed.
Cloud Watching
A big blanket and a morning or late afternoon sky can make for imaginary pirate ships and floating dragons.
Firefly Catching
We like to catch and release, but it sure is fun to watch those little insects light up a mason jar.
Late Night Swimming
Our neighborhood pool is open until 9pm, but we normally do bedtime by 8pm. I plan to surprise the kids after dinner one evening with a pool trip.
Visit a Museum or Aquarium
Most museums are open again and either have a children’s section or they have a ‘scavenger hunt’ for the kids. Call around to any museums within driving distance and figure out the best way to spend a day learning new things.
Lay in a Hammock
The saying “Lazy Days of Summer” was created based around a hammock, a hat, and a nap. Set up a hammock for the kids to play in, and you may just find some time to enjoy it too.
Tie-Dye Something
My hippie-heart loves that tie-dye is back is style. Even if it’s not truly back, every child under the age of 13 needs to tie-dye something. White shoes, a shirt, a towel, something!
Homemade is always tastier than store bought.
Soap suds and water will make this even better.
Go Bowling
On the hottest days, there is always bowling. And bowling is better than an entire day of Netflix.
Get Frozen Yogurt
Everyone gets to pick whatever toppings they want.
Find a Splash Pad
These parks are opening back up everywhere now! The best ones will have a playground and a water feature – and bathrooms.
Eat Dinner Outside
The bbq grill is fired up and everyone is playing kickball in the yard. We love to invite neighbor kids over to play too. When everyone heads home to eat, we typically head inside too, but WHY? Extend the evening by eating outside.
Make Friendship Bracelets
Amazon sells about 50 different kits for this.
Invite Friends Over for a Playdate
Invite the mom, too – we all have missed social interactions.
Go Geocaching
Using a GPS (your phone), you will go on a ‘treasure hunt’ with your kids! Think of it like hide-and-seek, someone has left treasure hidden and you get to find it! The only rule is that you must leave a new treasure behind if you take something.