3 Ways to Generate Revenue Without Opening Your Doors

Your business may not be open to the public right now, but that doesn’t mean you cannot generate income. By utilizing your website, you can still reach your current clients and potential clients at home.
3 Ways to Generate Revenue Without Opening Your Doors
Sell Dopplers
Mothers need to hear their babies' heartbeats to feel connected and calm throughout their pregnancies. It is also something that they can do at home. Almost all major retail stores are currently out of stock, but you can provide mothers with the opportunity to own one. You can place an order through My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear to secure some of our limited supply and the dopplers will arrive to you already in beautiful wrapping with instructions on how to use. You can also purchase doppler imaging to include on your website and social pages to advertise.
Offer Future Packages That Strengthen Bonds Now
Include a doppler and a My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear to be delivered now with instructions on how to record a baby’s heartbeat in utero. The offer would then include your top appointment package to be redeemed as soon as you open your doors. This option provides instant gratification and something to look forward to, both of which will have your customers excited for your reopening!
Sell Cards
Now is the perfect time to sell cards on your website. We have created beautiful cards for mothers, fathers, and grandparents. Reach out to previous clients through email with information on how to order a card with an image you have saved from their appointment. They can have the card shipped to their home address or to the address of their loved one. Even if mothers have not been personal clients, if they have an image printed from elsewhere, they can still order cards to use themselves!
None of this can be done without you moving your business online. While your doors may be closed now, they won’t be for long, and by offering all of your products to be delivered to customers you are continuing to build relationships. Mothers today are missing out on so many things throughout their pregnancies; your boutique offerings grant them the ability to shop local, establish and strengthen their growing bond with their baby, and have hope towards a future appointment.