Celebrating New Year’s Eve At Home

This will be the most (and least) celebrated New Year’s Eve of our lifetime. We are all counting down the days to say farewell to 2020 with hopes that 2021 will bring with it a sense of normalcy. That being said, not many states are allowing festivities to occur. (How wrestlers are allowed to wrestle, but the rest of us can’t dance together is quite the mystery to solve! But, rules are rules, right?) For most of us, we will be celebrating in the same place we’ve spent 3/4ths of the year - at home. Instead of getting down about it, let’s get creative and make it a night to remember!
Your family deserves a great New Year’s Eve. Hurry and order all of your supplies and get yourself in the party mood!

Celebrating New Year’s Eve At Home
Decorate for the Occassion.
Balloons and streamers should hang from the ceiling and the Christmas tree should be redecorated with tinsel! Investing in a disco ball may also need to happen.
Go for a Walk.
The fresh air will help you find your happiness. This can be a solo adventure or the whole family can tag along.
Start with Brunch Together.
Start your festivities after sleeping in and working out. Pancakes piled high, fresh fruit, bacon (tons of bacon), and a mimosa while the house is filled with your family’s favorite music.
Write Resolutions.
Everyone can come up with a few things they would like to work on in 2021. Create a list and hang it inside a kitchen cabinet where it will be seen daily as a reminder. Simple resolutions like stretching/exercising each day, video calling friends more often, and saving $20 a week will help start 2021 off on a better foot than where we all are now!
Celebrate a Noon Year’s Eve with Toddlers and Save the Wine for After Bedtime.
There’s no need to keep little ones up later than needed. A cranky kid on January 1st is definitely not a good omen for 2021.
Get Dressed Up (Even for an Hour).
When was the last time you put on a fancy skirt or dress? It’ll make you feel great. And being at home means that no one will judge you when you throw those leggings back on after dinner.
Video Chat with Friends or Family.
Take 30 minutes to reach out to those you love and wish them well. (You should do this while you look fancy!)
Play Games.
A few rounds of a family card game like Spoons will have everyone laughing! You can play scategories, charades, dominos, or poker -break out those new video games, too!
Indulge in a Delivered Meal.
Call ahead and reserve something great, such as sushi, oysters, or your absolute most splurge-worthy favorites. Don’t forget the black eyed peas and collard greens for good luck!
Burn 2020 Down.
Write all of your hard feelings down and take turns crumpling them and tossing them into a fire pit. Even elementary-aged kids will love this. It’s a way to cleanse yourself before beginning the new year.
Sage Your Space.
Maybe we all just need to rid our lives of the negativity, bad attitudes, and fear?
Pray Together
If ever there was a time for prayer, now would be it.
Toast with a Great Drink
Break out the nice glasses and pop the cork on the good stuff!
Eat Dessert
Homemade or bakery-bought, a dessert is a must as we end this crazy year.